Saturday, February 8, 2025

Public Nominations:
The public can nominate in all categories at the start of the year. All nominations are dependent on deadlines and entry guidelines for the particular territories for the World Fashion Awards. To have a list of up to date entry deadlines for all categories. E-mail:

Personal Submissions:
All submissions for categories for the World Fashion Awards are conducted by movie fans. If you have made a film and want to register your entry for the World Fashion Awards. You will need to be an academy member first. To apply for WFA membership. E-mail:

Once, you have a membership number. You will be sent a form to register and submit your film within the specified categories and country of origin you wish your film to be considered.

General WFA Academy guidelines:

Production and performance categories:

Films must have had their first transmission in the UK between 1 January and 31 December 2016 in a movie theatre, screening, online, terrestrial, cable, satellite or digital channels, including web based broadcasters who commission content (e.g. Netflix)

 Films may be regional, international or networked

 Films can be considered for more than one category

 For a film to qualify for the Best British Film category. The film should have been initiated and developed in the UK with creative control residing within the UK and/or a UK production company must have the primary editorial control over the film

 Where your film falls outside of this eligibility, it can only be considered in the Best International Film category

 Films that have previously entered World Fashion Awards are not eligible

WFA Academy Short Film Competition:
In 2015 & 2016, the Best Short Film category at the World Fashion Awards was nominated for and voted by members of the public. After feedback from Academy members. The World Fashion Academy, decided to open the Best Short Film category for the public to apply.

The Best Short Film category winner will win;
-Prestigious WFA 2017 trophy for Best Short Film
– x2 VIP Tickets to attend the 2017 World Fashion Awards UK (+ 30% off any additional VIP Tickets)
-PR/Marketing package worth £50,000 in value to kick off their career

GENRE: Films can be any genre.
LENGTH: Films are to be no less than 2 minutes and no more than 20 minutes in length (including end credits). Music video must be no less than 1 minute and no more than 10 minutes in length.
COMPLETION DATE: Films must have been completed and sent before the 14th of March 2017
SUBTITLES: All entries with dialogue not in the English language must be subtitled in English.
Earlybird Deadline: 14th of March 2017 (£49 per film)
ENTRY CATEGORIES: World Fashion Awards has four categories of entry.
UK films – Films made by residents of the UK, Northern Ireland, Scotland, with significant UK content are eligible for the ‘World Fashion Awards UK short films’ entry category.
How to send your short film:
1.) Register and set up a channel; on any of the following platforms;

VooVix (Preferred partner) , or

2.) Go to our Registration Page >> here
BY POST: All postage costs are the responsibility of the sender. Entry materials will NOT be returned. If selected, screening materials may be returned.
-Send Short Film on DVD with a registration check of £49 payable to ‘World Fashion Group’ to; Short Films Competition, World Fashion Academy, 40 Bloomsbury Way, Unit 2, London WC1A 2SE
CENSORSHIP: If your film has previously been rated for the World Fashion Awards or World Fashion Festival. Please let us know.
PROMO USE: World Fashion Academy reserves the right to use up to 30 seconds of all entries for promotional purposes.
For any more questions. E-mail: